Knights Who Say Nih
Crafters List - The War Within // Liberation of Undermine
Recipe Items
Algari Alchemist Stone
Algari Flask Cauldron
Algari Healing Potion
Algari Mana Potion
Algari Potion Cauldron
Bubbling Mycobloom Culture
Cavedweller's Delight
Draught of Shocking Revelations
Draught of Silent Footfalls
Flask of Alchemical Chaos
Flask of Saving Graces
Flask of Tempered Aggression
Flask of Tempered Mastery
Flask of Tempered Swiftness
Flask of Tempered Versatility
Formulated Courage
Frontline Potion
Gleaming Glory
Grotesque Vial
Harmonious Horticulture
Mercurial Blessings
Mercurial Coalescence
Mercurial Herbs
Mercurial Storms
Meticulous Experimentation
Neutralize Concoctions
Ominous Call
Ominous Coalescence
Ominous Gloom
Ominous Herbs
Petal Powder
Phial of Bountiful Seasons
Phial of Concentrated Ingenuity
Phial of Enhanced Ambidexterity
Phial of Truesight
Potion of the Reborn Cheetah
Potion of Unwavering Focus
Slumbering Soul Serum
Tempered Potion
Vicious Flask of Classical Spirits
Vicious Flask of Honor
Vicious Flask of the Wrecking Ball
Volatile Coalescence
Volatile Stone
Volatile Weaving
Wild Experimentation
Gleaming Chaos
Adjustable Framework
Algari Competitor's Axe
Algari Competitor's Dagger
Algari Competitor's Greatsword
Algari Competitor's Pickaxe
Algari Competitor's Plate Armguards
Algari Competitor's Plate Breastplate
Algari Competitor's Plate Gauntlets
Algari Competitor's Plate Greaves
Algari Competitor's Plate Helm
Algari Competitor's Plate Pauldrons
Algari Competitor's Plate Sabatons
Algari Competitor's Plate Waistguard
Algari Competitor's Scepter
Algari Competitor's Shield
Algari Competitor's Skewer
Algari Competitor's Sword
Artisan Blacksmith's Hammer
Artisan Blacksmith's Toolbox
Artisan Leatherworker's Knife
Artisan Leatherworker's Toolset
Artisan Needle Set
Artisan Pickaxe
Artisan Sickle
Artisan Skinning Knife
Charged Alloy
Charged Claymore
Charged Crusher
Charged Facesmasher
Charged Halberd
Charged Hexsword
Charged Invoker
Charged Runeaxe
Charged Slicer
Core Alloy
Coreforged Repair Hammer
Coreforged Skeleton Key
Dredger's Developed Defender
Dredger's Developed Gauntlets
Dredger's Developed Greatbelt
Dredger's Developed Helm
Dredger's Developed Legplates
Dredger's Developed Pauldrons
Dredger's Plate Breastplate
Dredger's Plate Sabatons
Dredger's Plate Vambraces
Earthen Master's Hammer
Everburning Ignition
Everforged Breastplate
Everforged Dagger
Everforged Defender
Everforged Gauntlets
Everforged Greataxe
Everforged Greatbelt
Everforged Helm
Everforged Legplates
Everforged Longsword
Everforged Mace
Everforged Pauldrons
Everforged Sabatons
Everforged Stabber
Everforged Vambraces
Everforged Warglaive
Forged Framework
Ironclaw Alloy
Ironclaw Axe
Ironclaw Dirk
Ironclaw Great Axe
Ironclaw Great Mace
Ironclaw Knuckles
Ironclaw Razorstone
Ironclaw Stiletto
Ironclaw Sword
Ironclaw Weightstone
Ironclaw Whetstone
Proficient Blacksmith's Hammer
Proficient Blacksmith's Toolbox
Proficient Leatherworker's Knife
Proficient Leatherworker's Toolset
Proficient Needle Set
Proficient Pickaxe
Proficient Sickle
Proficient Skinning Knife
Sanctified Alloy
Sanctified Steps
Siphoning Stiletto
Tempered Framework
Beledar's Bulwark
Algari Deftness
Algari Finesse
Algari Ingenuity
Algari Mana Oil
Algari Perception
Algari Resourcefulness
Authority of Air
Authority of Fiery Resolve
Authority of Radiant Power
Authority of Storms
Authority of the Depths
Cavalry's March
Chant of Armored Avoidance
Chant of Armored Leech
Chant of Armored Speed
Chant of Burrowing Rapidity
Chant of Leeching Fangs
Chant of Winged Grace
Concentration Concentrate
Council's Guile
Council's Intellect
Crystalline Radiance
Cursed Critical Strike
Cursed Haste
Cursed Mastery
Cursed Versatility
Defender's March
Enchanted Gilded Harbinger Crest
Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest
Enchanted Spearwood Wand
Enchanted Weathered Harbinger Crest
Gleeful Glamour - Blood Elf
Gleeful Glamour - Dark Iron Dwarf
Gleeful Glamour - Draenei
Gleeful Glamour - Dwarf
Gleeful Glamour - Earthen
Gleeful Glamour - Gnome
Gleeful Glamour - Goblin
Gleeful Glamour - Highmountain Tauren
Gleeful Glamour - Human
Gleeful Glamour - Kul Tiran
Gleeful Glamour - Lightforged Draenei
Gleeful Glamour - Mag'har Orc
Gleeful Glamour - Mechagnome
Gleeful Glamour - Night Elf
Gleeful Glamour - Nightborne
Gleeful Glamour - Orc
Gleeful Glamour - Pandaren
Gleeful Glamour - Tauren
Gleeful Glamour - Troll
Gleeful Glamour - Undead
Gleeful Glamour - Void Elf
Gleeful Glamour - Vulpera
Gleeful Glamour - Worgen
Gleeful Glamour - Zandalari Troll
Glimmering Critical Strike
Glimmering Haste
Glimmering Mastery
Glimmering Versatility
Illusory Adornment: Crystal
Illusory Adornment: Radiance
Illusory Adornment: Runes
Illusory Adornment: Shadow
Mirror Powder
Oathsworn's Strength
Oathsworn's Tenacity
Oil of Beledar's Grace
Oil of Deep Toxins
Radiant Critical Strike
Radiant Haste
Radiant Mastery
Radiant Versatility
Runed Bismuth Rod
Runed Ironclaw Rod
Scepter of Radiant Magics
Scout's March
Stonebound Artistry
Stormrider's Agility
Stormrider's Fury
Whisper of Armored Avoidance
Whisper of Armored Leech
Whisper of Armored Speed
Whisper of Silken Avoidance
Whisper of Silken Leech
Whisper of Silken Speed
Runed Null Stone Rod
Algari Competitor's Emblem
Algari Competitor's Insignia of Alacrity
Algari Competitor's Lamp
Algari Competitor's Medallion
Algari Competitor's Pillar
Algari Competitor's Staff
Algari Missive of Crafting Speed
Algari Missive of Deftness
Algari Missive of Finesse
Algari Missive of Ingenuity
Algari Missive of Multicraft
Algari Missive of Perception
Algari Missive of Resourcefulness
Algari Missive of the Aurora
Algari Missive of the Feverflare
Algari Missive of the Fireflash
Algari Missive of the Harmonious
Algari Missive of the Peerless
Algari Missive of the Quickblade
Algari Treatise on 1
Algari Treatise on Blacksmithing
Algari Treatise on Enchanting
Algari Treatise on Engineering
Algari Treatise on Herbalism
Algari Treatise on Inscription
Algari Treatise on Jewelcrafting
Algari Treatise on Leatherworking
Algari Treatise on Mining
Algari Treatise on Skinning
Algari Treatise on Tailoring
Apricate Ink
Boundless Cipher
Burnt Rolling Pin
Codified Greenwood
Contract: Assembly of the Deeps
Contract: Council of Dornogal
Contract: Hallowfall Arathi
Contract: The Severed Threads
Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension
Darkmoon Sigil: Radiance
Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis
Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity
Glyph of the Admiral's Pistol Shot
Glyph of the Ashvane Pistol Shot
Glyph of the Gilded Pistol Shot
Glyph of the Twilight Pistol Shot
Hasty Alchemist's Mixing Rod
Inquisitor's Baton
Inquisitor's Crutch
Inquisitor's Torch
Inscribed Rolling Pin
Lightweight Scribe's Quill
Patient Alchemist's Mixing Rod
Shadow Ink
Silver Tongue's Quill
Transcribe: Ascension
Transcribe: Radiance
Transcribe: Symbiosis
Transcribe: Vivacity
Vagabond's Careful Crutch
Vagabond's Torch
Vantus Rune: Nerub-ar Palace
Vagabond's Bounding Baton
Algari Amber Prism
Algari Competitor's Amulet
Algari Competitor's Signet
Algari Crushing
Algari Emerald Prism
Algari Onyx Prism
Algari Ruby Prism
Algari Sapphire Prism
Amulet of Earthen Craftsmanship
Beautification Iris
Binding of Binding
Captured Starlight
Cognitive Bloodstone
Cubic Blasphemia
Deadly Amber
Deadly Emerald
Deadly Onyx
Deadly Ruby
Deadly Sapphire
Decorative Lens
Determined Bloodstone
Elemental Focusing Lens
Elusive Blasphemite
Enchanter's Crystal
Enduring Bloodstone
Engraved Gemcutter
Extravagant Loupes
Forger's Font Inspector
Fractured Gemstone Locket
Gilded Vial
Incanter's Shard
Insightful Blasphemite
Inverted Prism
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting
Malleable Band
Malleable Pendant
Marbled Stone
Masterful Amber
Masterful Emerald
Masterful Onyx
Masterful Ruby
Masterful Sapphire
Novelist's Specs
Ominous Energy Crystal
Prismatic Null Stone
Quick Amber
Quick Emerald
Quick Onyx
Quick Ruby
Quick Sapphire
Radiant Loupes
Remembrance Stone
Right-Handed Magnifying Glass
Ring of Earthen Craftsmanship
Sifted Cave Sand
Solid Amber
Storyteller's Glasses
Versatile Amber
Versatile Emerald
Versatile Onyx
Versatile Ruby
Versatile Sapphire
Culminating Blasphemite
Algari Competitor's Chain Chainmail
Algari Competitor's Chain Cowl
Algari Competitor's Chain Cuffs
Algari Competitor's Chain Epaulets
Algari Competitor's Chain Gauntlets
Algari Competitor's Chain Girdle
Algari Competitor's Chain Leggings
Algari Competitor's Chain Treads
Algari Competitor's Leather Belt
Algari Competitor's Leather Boots
Algari Competitor's Leather Chestpiece
Algari Competitor's Leather Gloves
Algari Competitor's Leather Mask
Algari Competitor's Leather Shoulderpads
Algari Competitor's Leather Trousers
Algari Competitor's Leather Wristwraps
Apothecary's Cap
Arathi Leatherworker's Smock
Blessed Weapon Grip
Busy Bee's Buckle
Carapace-Backed Hide
Charged Scrapmaster's Gauntlets
Chitin Armor Banding
Crystalfused Hide
Deep Tracker's Cap
Deep Tracker's Pack
Defender's Armor Kit
Dual Layered Armor Kit
Earthen Forgemaster's Apron
Earthen Jeweler's Cover
Gardener's Basket
Gemcutter's Apron
Glyph-Etched Binding
Glyph-Etched Breastplate
Glyph-Etched Cuisses
Glyph-Etched Epaulets
Glyph-Etched Gauntlets
Glyph-Etched Guise
Glyph-Etched Stompers
Glyph-Etched Vambraces
Hideseeker's Hat
Hideseeker's Pack
Hideshaper's Cover
Leyfused Hide
Nerubian Alchemist's Hat
Reinforced Setae Flyers
Roiling Thunderstrike Talons
Rook Feather Wristwraps
Rune-Branded Armbands
Rune-Branded Grasps
Rune-Branded Hood
Rune-Branded Kickers
Rune-Branded Legwraps
Rune-Branded Mantle
Rune-Branded Tunic
Rune-Branded Waistband
Sanctified Torchbearer's Grips
Scrapsmith's Gloves
Smoldering Pollen Hauberk
Spelunker's Leather Bands
Spelunker's Leather Footpads
Spelunker's Leather Jerkin
Spelunker's Practiced Britches
Spelunker's Practiced Hat
Spelunker's Practiced Mitts
Spelunker's Practiced Sash
Spelunker's Practiced Shoulders
Sporecoated Hide
Steelsmith's Apron
Stonebound Herbalist's Pack
Stormbound Armor Kit
Storm-Touched Weapon Wrap
Thunderous Drums
Tracker's Chitin Cuffs
Tracker's Chitin Galoshes
Tracker's Chitin Hauberk
Tracker's Toughened Girdle
Tracker's Toughened Handguards
Tracker's Toughened Headgear
Tracker's Toughened Links
Tracker's Toughened Shoulderguards
Vambraces of Deepening Darkness
Waders of the Unifying Flame
Weathered Stormfront Vest
Writhing Armor Banding
Writhing Hide
Adrenal Surge Clasp
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bands
Algari Competitor's Cloth Cloak
Algari Competitor's Cloth Gloves
Algari Competitor's Cloth Hood
Algari Competitor's Cloth Leggings
Algari Competitor's Cloth Sash
Algari Competitor's Cloth Shoulderpads
Algari Competitor's Cloth Treads
Algari Competitor's Cloth Tunic
Algari Weaverline
Artisan Alchemist's Robe
Artisan Chef's Hat
Artisan Enchanter's Hat
Artisan Fishing Cap
Artisan Gardening Hat
Artisan Tailor's Coat
Bright Polishing Cloth
Concoctor's Clutch
Consecrated Cord
Consecrated Cuffs
Consecrated Gloves
Consecrated Hood
Consecrated Leggings
Consecrated Mantle
Consecrated Robe
Consecrated Slippers
Cool Sunset Bracers
Darkmoon Duffle
Dawnthread Lining
Dawnweave Bolt
Dawnweave Reagent Bag
Daybreak Spellthread
Duskthread Lining
Duskweave Bag
Duskweave Bolt
Excavator's Haversack
Exquisite Weavercloth Bolt
Gardener's Seed Satchel
Gloves of the Woven Dusk
Grips of the Woven Dawn
Gritty Polishing Cloth
Hideseeker's Tote
Hideshaper's Workbag
Ignition Satchel
Jeweler's Purse
Magically "Infinite" Messenger
Pioneer's Cloth Cuffs
Pioneer's Cloth Robe
Pioneer's Cloth Slippers
Pioneer's Perfected Cloak
Pioneer's Perfected Cord
Pioneer's Perfected Gloves
Pioneer's Perfected Hood
Pioneer's Perfected Leggings
Pioneer's Perfected Mantle
Preserving Embroidery Thread
Prodigy's Toolbox
Slippers of the Woven Dusk
Sunset Spellthread
The Severed Satchel
Treads of the Woven Dawn
Warm Sunrise Bracers
Weavercloth Alchemist's Robe
Weavercloth Bag
Weavercloth Bandage
Weavercloth Bolt
Weavercloth Chef's Hat
Weavercloth Embroidery Thread
Weavercloth Enchanter's Hat
Weavercloth Fishing Cap
Weavercloth Gardening Hat
Weavercloth Reagent Bag
Weavercloth Spellthread
Weavercloth Tailor's Coat
Consecrated Cloak
Acolyte's Goggles
Adjustable Cogwheel
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bracers
Algari Competitor's Cloth Goggles
Algari Competitor's Leather Bracers
Algari Competitor's Leather Goggles
Algari Competitor's Mail Bracers
Algari Competitor's Mail Goggles
Algari Competitor's Plate Bracers
Algari Competitor's Plate Goggles
Algari Competitor's Rifle
Algari Repair Bot 11O
Aqirite Brainwave Projector
Aqirite Fisherfriend
Aqirite Fueled Samophlange
Aqirite Miner's Headgear
Barrel of Fireworks
Bismuth Brainwave Projector
Bismuth Fisherfriend
Bismuth Miner's Headgear
Bismuth-Fueled Samophlange
Blame Redirection Device
Blasting Bracers
Bottled Brilliance
Chaos Circuit
Clanking Cuffs
Complicated Fuse Box
Concealed Chaos Module
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables
Crowd Pummeler 2-30
Dangerous Distraction Inhibitor
Defective Escape Pod
Dredger's Goggles
Energy Redistribution Beacon
Entropy Enhancer
Filmless Camera
Gyrating Gear
Handful of Bismuth Bolts
Impeccable Cogwheel
Irresistible Red Button
Lapidary's Aqirite Clamps
Lapidary's Bismuth Clamps
Miner's Aqirite Hoard
Miner's Bismuth Hoard
Overclocked Cogwheel
Overclocked Idea Generator
P.0.W. x2
Pausing Pylon
Portable Profession Possibility Projector
Potion Bomb of Power
Potion Bomb of Recovery
Potion Bomb of Speed
Pouch of Pocket Grenades
Recalibrated Safety Switch
Safety Switch
Serrated Cogwheel
Spelunker's Goggles
Spring-Loaded Aqirite Fabric Cutters
Spring-Loaded Bismuth Fabric Cutters
Stonebound Lantern
Studious Brilliance Expeditor
Supercharged Thought Enhancer
Tinker: Earthen Delivery Drill
Tinker: Heartseeking Health Injector
Tracker's Goggles
Venting Vambraces
Whimsical Wiring
Whirring Wristwraps
Wormhole Generator: Khaz Algar
Box o' Booms
Angler's Delight
Azj-Kahet Special
Beledar's Bounty
Chippy Tea
Cinder Nectar
Coreway Kabob
Deepfin Patty
Empress' Farewell
Exquisitely Eviscerated Muscle
Feast of the Divine Day
Feast of the Midnight Masquerade
Fiery Fish Sticks
Fish and Chips
Flashfire Fillet
Ghoulfish Delight
Ginger-Glazed Fillet
Hallowfall Chili
Jester's Board
Little Buddy Biscuits
Marinated Tenderloins
Meat and Potatoes
Melted Candlebar
Mycobloom Risotto
Outsider's Provisions
Pan-Seared Mycobloom
Protein Slurp
Rib Stickers
Roasted Mycobloom
Rockslide Shake
Salt Baked Seafood
Salty Dog
Secret Sauce
Simple Stew
Sizzling Honey Roast
Skewered Fillet
Spongey Scramble
Sticky Sweet Treat
Stuffed Cave Peppers
Sweet and Sour Meatballs
Sweet and Spicy Soup
Tender Twilight Jerky
The Sushi Special
Unseasoned Field Steak
Zesty Nibblers
Everything Stew
Authentic Undermine Clam Chowder